Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing Beowulf And The Anglo Saxon Period - 1300 Words

Realism in Beowulf In the old English Anglo Saxon writings, many heroes were given fancil characteristics. For example, Beowulf was depicted with an immense amount of strength that people today could not achieve. Nowadays, the recreation of old fiction is very common. However, when fiction from the eighth century is recreated to fit our modern time, the characters are seen to resemble our human features, skills, and ways of thinking. Eighth century writing is not as rational as our entertainment today. Comparing today s modern Beowulf Grendel (Gunnarsson) with the Anglo Saxon period Beowulf (Heaney), we are shown the many differences of culture and realism between the characters through their strength, intellect, and way of living. Beowulf, a medieval geatish warrior, was portrayed as a strong and invisible hero in the Epic. He had the strength of a god and could destroy any evil with his bare hands. Beowulf displayed his strength through boasting or physical actions. It was all to establish his identity because talk and action was just as important as deeds. For example, Beowulf aggrandized how he was the superior swimmer during his competition with Brecca, â€Å"Well, friend Unferth, you have had your say about Breca and me. But it was mostly beer that was doing the talking. The truth is this: when the going was heavy in those high waves, I was the strongest swimmer of all.† (Heaney), while modern day Beowulf was humble and mostly showed his strength through hisShow MoreRelatedComparing Beowulf And The Anglo Saxon Period1292 Words   |  6 PagesRealism in Beowulf In the old English Anglo-Saxon writings, many heroes were given fanciful characteristics. For example, Beowulf was depicted with an immense amount of strength that people today could not achieve. Nowadays, the recreation of old fiction is very common. 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